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Ignore dishonest religious-right attacks on Judge Jackson

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As Americans celebrate President Biden's nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, the religious right is melting down about the first Black woman ever nominated to the nation's highest court.

Conservative evangelical leaders began attacking Judge Brown's nomination even before it was announced, demonstrating they care less about her outstanding pedigree and more about blocking any Black woman President Biden nominates.

The National Organization for Marriage labeled the future a nominee a "hard-left activist," while former Southern Baptist executive and Christian Post editor Richard Land accused President Biden of "draining the pool" of potential justices "down to a foot wash."

Within hours of the actual nomination, right-wing Christian legal advocate Carrie Severino claimed Judge Jackson is "a politician in robes." Right-wing author Nick Adams smeared the judge to his quarter-million Twitter followers as a "communist," while the CEO of Americans United for Life described support for the nomination as "tragic."

The baseless insults are only going to get worse, as the religious right is already mobilizing its followers to aggressively lobby lawmakers against Judge Jackson's nomination. We need to make sure that our senators understand that right-wing evangelical activists don't speak for their Christian constituents, and instead focus on Judge Jackson's outstanding qualifications.


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Dear Senator,

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is eminently qualified to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Her nomination to the D.C. Court of Appeals was approved with bipartisan support. The promise of the United States will be more fully realized when we finally see a Black woman on the highest court in the land.

As a Christian, I am concerned about the deceptive, knee-jerk opposition to Judge Jackson's nomination by some prominent leaders of the religious right, often offered in religion's name. Please recognize that such voices do not speak for me or for the majority of your Christian constituents.

Christians are called to love our neighbors and seek justice, yet these far-right activists wrongly use President Biden's history-making decision to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court as an attack on Judge Jackson's qualifications. I ask you to ignore the religious right during the confirmation process and focus only on Judge Jackson's irreproachable credentials.


Thank you.

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