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We, at The Christian Left, recognize the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) for what it truly is: “A Clear and Present Danger to Democracy and True Christian Values.”
NAR’s influence is pervasive, with leaders who see Donald Trump as a divine agent to transform the United States into a dominionist regime. They spread false prophecies, support election lies, and incite violence, as seen on January 6, 2021. This movement is not just a political threat but a fundamental perversion of the teachings of Jesus.
NAR leaders like Dutch Sheets and Lance Wallnau are mobilizing their followers to reject democratic outcomes and uphold a dangerous mix of nationalism and religious extremism. Their rhetoric and actions promote a worldview where opponents are seen as demonic, and compromise is impossible. This creates an environment ripe for political violence and division.

We, the Christian Left, uphold the teachings of Jesus, which are rooted in love, justice, and truth. We believe in the separation of church and state and the need for political compromise. The demonization of others, as practiced by NAR and echoed by Trump, undermines the very foundation of our democracy and Christian faith.
Sign The Christian Left’s statement today. Together, we can remind Christians, reporters, lawmakers, and all Americans that true Christianity stands for love, justice, and democracy. We reject the New Apostolic Reformation and its dangerous influence on our country.


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I'm A Pro-Choice Person Of Faith. Make Reproductive Choice Federal Law.

I'm A Pro-Choice Person Of Faith. Make Reproductive Choice Federal Law.

Amnesty International states the following: “Access to safe abortion services is a human right. Under international human rights law, everyone has a right to life, a right to health, and a right to be free from violence, discrimination, and torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Human rights law clearly spells out that decisions about your body are yours alone – this is what is known as bodily autonomy. Forcing someone to carry on an unwanted pregnancy, or forcing them to seek out an unsafe abortion, is a violation of their human rights, including the rights to privacy and bodily autonomy.”

Abortion isn't a “states rights” issue. It's a human rights issue. Women's rights are human rights. Healthcare rights are human rights. Reproductive rights are human rights. Family planning rights are human rights. Body autonomy is a human right. Don't buy the conservative lie that this is a "States Rights" issue. They used the same rationalization for slavery and segregation. For them, it is about one thing: control.

The modern abortion movement started in the 1970’s under false pretenses. A right-wing extremist and Republican party activist named Paul Weyrich went shopping for an issue to get the conservative base riled up. His real issue was Jimmy Carter and the federal government cracking down on racism and discrimination carried out by some religious colleges who wanted to remain all-white. When the political winds were blowing in the right direction he capitalized on them and started an all-out effort to demonize abortion in order to mobilize Christians to join the Republican party.

Jesus didn’t say one word about abortion. When Jesus, who was a Jew, lived on Earth, Jewish law dictated that ‘personhood’ began when a fetus took its first breath outside the womb. Abortions were carried out by midwives during that time and long before. Jesus often corrected matters by saying, “You’ve heard it said, but I say …” He didn’t do that in the case of abortion or when a fetus becomes a person. It’s as simple as that. The anti-abortion movement has muddied the waters with all kinds of nonsense.

Sign our petition today. Put your name on record that you support women as autonomous human beings created by God to be free of any and all kinds of enslavement. Forced pregnancy is an abomination. Christians must speak truth to power on behalf of women in the US and the entire world, regardless of how extreme and irrational other anti-abortion Christians have become.

We will put the petition and the signatures in the hands of the minority and majority leaders in the US House and Senate, hopefully in person. At the very least we will make sure their staff has it and ask that it be passed along.

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Stop broadcasting networks that undermine democracy

Stop broadcasting networks that undermine democracy

When it comes to enabling conspiracy theories and undermining democracy, Fox News doesn't hold a candle to these channels. The three have been central to the ongoing spread of harmful right-wing disinformation, from deadly anti-vaccine paranoia to Donald Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election.

They've also become important platforms for the religious right, frequently hosting pastors like Greg Locke, the Tennessee evangelical who kicks mask wearers out of church, and Senate candidate Jackson Lahmeyer, the Oklahoma Christian nationalist who gives away religious-exemption forms in exchange for campaign cash.

The most insidious thing about these networks is that, thanks to the Roku Channel and the ViacomCBS-owned service Pluto TV, they're available for free to anyone with an Internet connection and a desire for live news. That gives them an even wider potential reach than CNN or C-SPAN.

Thankfully, DirecTV just dropped OAN. Let's gather 10,000 signatures from Christians who oppose Christian nationalism, and call on Roku and Pluto TV to join DirecTV in putting the common good first!

(Our friends at Faith in Public Life are also gathering signatures for this campaign. We thank them for co-sponsoring.)

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Ignore dishonest religious-right attacks on Judge Jackson

Ignore dishonest religious-right attacks on Judge Jackson

Conservative evangelical leaders began attacking Judge Brown's nomination even before it was announced, demonstrating they care less about her outstanding pedigree and more about blocking any Black woman President Biden nominates.

The National Organization for Marriage labeled the future a nominee a "hard-left activist," while former Southern Baptist executive and Christian Post editor Richard Land accused President Biden of "draining the pool" of potential justices "down to a foot wash."

Within hours of the actual nomination, right-wing Christian legal advocate Carrie Severino claimed Judge Jackson is "a politician in robes." Right-wing author Nick Adams smeared the judge to his quarter-million Twitter followers as a "communist," while the CEO of Americans United for Life described support for the nomination as "tragic."

The baseless insults are only going to get worse, as the religious right is already mobilizing its followers to aggressively lobby lawmakers against Judge Jackson's nomination. We need to make sure that our senators understand that right-wing evangelical activists don't speak for their Christian constituents, and instead focus on Judge Jackson's outstanding qualifications.

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Don't host the anti-democracy megachurch tour

Don't host the anti-democracy megachurch tour

Each month, Flynn's political rally visits a different city, radicalizing local Christians with misinformation about the 2020 election, COVID-19, and more. Speakers include Eric Trump, Roger Stone, Mike "My Pillow" Lindell, Alex Jones, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene -- many of whom spoke at the rallies that inspired the January 6 attack.

Attendees also hear from dozens of evangelical leaders. At the top of that list is Greg Locke, the infamous Tennessee pastor known for burning books, praising the Proud Boys, and kicking mask wearers out of church.

The politicians and preachers alike wrap their authoritarian messages in Christian-nationalist rhetoric, declaring America to be a Christian nation while preparing their supporters to seize political power at any cost -- even violence.

Like all Christian nationalism, the "ReAwaken America" MAGA tour is neither Christian nor patriotic -- and it has no place in God's church. Let's show the host venues that Christians across the country are fed up with this hijacking of our faith.